Arcardian Village Cave

Just before Leonidio after Paralio Astros in the Peloponnese there is the Arcadian village. There are several sea caves in the area, but this one is on land relatively close to the sea. The visibility is excellent and the diver can appreciate huge stalactites and stalagmites, as shown in the video.

The cave can be accessed from land very close to the sea. Τhe entrance to the cave underwater is located at a depth and has a maximum depth of approximately 55 meters. The width is 20 meters whilst the total length exceeds 60 meters. The water temperature is stable all year at 18 degrees Celsius (18C).

Divers Stelios Stamatakis and Erikos Kranidiotis dived this cave for the first time in May 2017. The video edited by our team is from a recent dive on the 29th of February, 2020.


Cave Divers:
Erikos Kranidiotis
Stelios Stamatakis


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