British Cable ship, London registration 129024, gross tonnage 674 tons and net 331 tons, length 190 feet, built in 1909 at GOOLE S.B. shipyards. AND REPAIRING CO. LTD of GOOLE, England. The boat was powered by a two-cylinder reciprocating engine with a horsepower of 91 NHP, owned by the English company CABLE AND WIRELESS. The RETRIEVER, sailing from Lemnos to Piraeus with a crew of 46 men, was attacked by a German plane at midnight on April 1, 1941 and sank with the result that 11 people were killed, one of whom was Greek Athanasios Chrysolοras aged 28. Source: Christos Dounis, Shipwrecks of the Greek Sea, volume A.
The condition of the wreck is seriously degraded as the ship is missing her bow and stern, most likely from the explosion of the attack and any salvaging which may have taken place in later years. Maximum depth is 52 meters. Excellent visibility during this dive as evident from the video. An excellent dive for the technical dive enthusiasts.
Dive dates:
10th March 2019, 14th October 2023
Stelios Stamatakis
Erikos Kranidiotis

Do what you can’t