Chac Mool
The entrance to this Cenote is about 100m South of Puerto Aventuras. There are two water entries to Chac-Mool, both leading into the same rooms. The first room is relatively large with with much light entering from the opening. In the second room, a portion of the ceiling has collapsed under an air dome where Divers can surface thus allowing divers to admire two levels of beautiful stalactites. Along the opening of the main entrance, trunks and branches reach into the water. It is here where on a sunny day a stunning laser light show takes place. Chac-Mool is one of the Caverns which has a Halocline. This is where salt and fresh come together creating fascinating visual effects. The dive was organised by Alvaro at
Date: 27 January 2016
Cave Divers:
Alvaro Gonzalez
Ray Kiertekles
Erikos Kranidiotis
Do what you can’t