German Submarine
U - 133
German Submarine which sank in March 1942 when it struck the minefield approximately one and a half nautical mile east of Tourlos, Aigina. The vessel went down with all hands. The main body of the shipwreck is standing upright on the bottom of the seabed with a north-south axis, having a left slope of 30-40 degrees. The bow is below the aft part of the wreck, forming a right angle on an east-west axis. The submarine rests at a depth of 78 meters, eastward the depth increases while to the west it decreases. The turret lies at a depth of 67 meters, whilst the upper part of the deck at 75 meters.
The dive at this historic wreck was organized in cooperation with the Grafas Diving Team. A special note has to be made for Antonis Grafas, Giannis Liardakis, Lefteris Koutalas, and George Triandafyllou who provided us with valuable surface support and transport to the dive location. Two of the historical photos of the time as seen below are from the Grafas Team and the historical research of Dimitris Galon whose research on this wreck was published in Hamburg Germany, a link to this paper can be found below.
Erikos Kranidiotis
Stelios Stamatakis
Research by Dimitris Galon:
Information from the extensive research conducted on the shipwreck by Grafas Diving.

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