Diver’s Corner dive center and specifically Marios Papavasiliou the owner and instructor had received information about a possible wreck in the Saronic area. With the help from the addicted2h2o diving team they decided to investgate it further. Initially, our search began when returning from another find, the JU52 wreckage. We passed above the area which had been indicated to Marios and we conducted a sonar sweap.  Immediately the sonar indicated a field of debris which inficated to us that it could be a small boat or aircraft.

On January the 14th 2024 we decided to visit this location and confuct a dive to see for ourselves what this debris is. We prepared and a group of five divers descended and at a depth of 57 meters dicovered the wreck of a yacht. The wreck which does not appear to be very old is covered in benthos which has already grown on it indicating it has been in the water for quite some time. Searching through various arhives and with additional help from Mr. Aris Bilalis we were unable to ascertain the identity. A similar vesel was sunk in 2017 called PLAN C, however this wreck has more letters where the name is, but unfortunately due to its condition these cannot be read.

This was the teams second find in the wider Saronic bay area as the previous was only a few weeks prior when the team located the remnants of a WWII airctaft. Although the wreck is not a historic find its yet another boat which can be added to the wrecks located in the Saronic gulf. An area which certainly has a lot more wrecks to reveal.

Erikos Kranidiotis
Stelios Stamatakis
Marios Papavasileiou
Alexandros Lykos
Ioannis Simiridis

Boat Captain:
Vasilis Adamopoulos

Vasilis Adamopoulos

Supported By Diver’s Corner

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